今日は一日撮影でした 休憩中は ココナッツチップスつまんだり 写真でパンの人になってみたりーの ワイワイがやがやいつも通り楽しい撮影でした❤️❤️ 明日は夏木マリさんのONE OF LOVE LIVE✌️⭐️✌⭐️ 楽しみだ がっつり歌うよ
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土屋アンナ Anna Tsuchiya
Hi Guys, this is the social network for only fans of Anna Tsuchiya, Japanese rock'n roll artist. Please sign up and share your contents with other fans and Anna herself.
Hi Guys, this is the social network for only fans of Anna Tsuchiya, Japanese rock'n roll artist. Please sign up and share your contents with other fans and Anna herself.