HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Today, as every year, is a special day. But this year is even more special right? ❤
I have to say... This year I'm so busy with work and the university that I didn't have time to prepare anything special... (-___-) I feel really bad for it, but at least I'll write a special message for you, Ansan.
I wanna wish you a very very very happy birthday, because you deserve it! I hope this year will be a good year for you and your beloved ones, and I also hope that you share some of that happiness with us (or let us be a small part of it ❤).
I owe you so many things. So many smiles and tears, days and nights listening to your music... Because, as I said many times before, your music makes me feel like no other does. Your lyrics are deep inside me, in my heart. But not only your songs stay in my heart, but YOU as well, as a human being. Ansan, you proved to me that you're a nice, funny, generous, pretty, brave, hardworker and natural person, full of talents. And everyday those talents increase, and each one of them is more surpraising than the previous one, I must say. You have a beautiful heart, never forget that ❤❤❤❤
It's been 7 years since I'm your fan... 7 long years. Ana after all those years, finally I met you and I saw you in concert. Thank you for the greatest weekend I've ever had, thank you for those smiles, thank you for your kind words, and thank you for that concert. I will never forget. I hope I can experience this again soon, very soon! Wait for me, because we'll see each other again, I'm sure! Hahaha.
By the way, today I received an email! My Sugar Palm CD will be home anytime soon (*^^*) I can't wait for it!!! Thank you for this release, and ganbatte for today's live! ❤
Besides, I don't want to forget that today it's been 3 years since Japan's terrible tsunami disaster. It's been a while since then, and a lot of things are in a better place now, but there's still so much to do. There are many victims, many of them without a home yet, or people who lost their family... I pray for them. My heart is with them all, always.